Saturday, May 12, 2012

Lessons Learned

Some things I have learned in my travels thus far:

Roosters (gallos) that crow between the hours of 8 pm and 5 am should be turned into pollo (cooked chicken)!!

Weed whackers should be used only for their title purpose, not for mowing one´s lawn.

Having a gas station in town is not always a good thing.  The easier it is to get gasoline for your cars, motorcycles, dirt bikes, ATV´s and the like, the more they are used and the louder the town is.

Costa Rica may be beautiful, but it is expensive and the food in a restaurant isn´t that good. ( My host Mom´s cooking was amazing though.)

When crossing the boarder into Nicaragua you have to pay the taxes in two different currencies.  $10 (in dollars) and about $2 in cordobas (the local currency).

When you buy a ticket for a public bus, you are not garaunteed a place to sit.  A one hour bus ride seems VERY long when standing.

Making friends while traveling is easy, you just have to start the conversation with "so where are you from?".  New friends can make traveling an even more rewarding experience.

Having three different types of currency in your wallet is confusing.

Key boards in Latin America are frustrating.  The punctuation marks are in all the wrong spots!  Instead of an apostraphe, I get a {.  Instead of the @ symbol, I get ".  Instead of a semi-colon, I get ñ.

Jose doesn´t sweat unless dancing enthusiatically.  I think I hate him a little for that.

I really should just memorize my passport number.

Family is one of the most important things that a person can have.  I love my family, the true and the chosen members.

¡Los quiero todos!

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